Sunday 7 March 2010

VSCC hill climb

My nose was so cold I could hardly breathe by 4.30 pm. Luckily this was on the way back from the last hill so it didn't matter and I had the most perfect day being driven around between the sections in my son's vintage car. I had to get out of the car for the sections because I hadn't got there early enough to sign in as an official passenger but to be honest it looked quite scarey! (for me anyway - as my boys will tell you I drive very sedately...) When the boys were about 11 I was left an old car that had failed its MOT and I let them drive it around the farm. They completely wrecked it but had so much fun and became quite good at getting it up the boggiest field, up quite a steep gradient - with no tyres on!!!!

The weather is perfect again up here but still no gardening - the ground is completely frozen still! As I write there are noises coming from the chimney - honestly sounds like there is a herd of elephants up there. I presume it is crows trying to nest as there is loads of soot coming down as well. I will have to sweep the chimney today...

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