Tuesday 30 March 2010

The Earnshaw House in Haworth

The 'real' Earnshaws used to live in our house. Their daughter was apparantly a friend of Emily Bronte. By the end of the week the house will be full again! - I don't mean with harps this time but nearly all the family and friends staying for Easter. I am even having to make the beds in the attic - more of a bunk room but it has a staircase and radiators.

No lambs yet but the sheep are huge and pacing a bit. The first are due tomorrow.

Ended up walking around Skipton yesterday in the rain - showed Harriet's Mum a walk that I find fascinating up behind the castle on a walkway that runs inbetween the canal (old moat?) and the beck. Managed to park on the cobbles - a rarity on market day - due to the incessant rain no doubt! Started the day at the auction mart looking at sheep. Dave was trying to persuade me that these sheep were a cross between a cow and a sheep - very long legs, black fleece, white feet and black heads with a wide white stripe....

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