Saturday 27 February 2010

'like the Queen'

Had a lovely time in Cambridge. In awe, as ever, of the choir at Kings (we attended Evensong at 5.30 pm). Also for the fact that they are so welcoming. No snobbery, no atmosphere - I know a lot of people who would love the experience but would feel initimidated by the big oak studded doors or whatever! GO! Philippa told us that before the Christmas Eve Carol Service some mountaineering students had placed Father Christmas hats on the pinicles. 'The Beeb' (I think its on that channel?!) made the College remove them before they a huge cost. She added that a few years ago as a publicity stunt for the May Ball a Mini (car) appeared on the roof of the building opposite - no-one knows to this day how they did it.

Had a brief look round Lewis shop where Mum wanted to buy an umbrella 'like the Queen's' (keeps more rain off and doesn't spike people in a busy high street!).

1 comment:

  1. not quite a few years ago - more 1958! ;) Photos are impressive though.
    Also the people who did hte christmas hat stunt are here... Was good to show you around. See you soon. Philiy x
