Saturday, 18 August 2012

For one night only !!!!!!!

This Post is by Dave For one night only Fiona Katie wil be perforning this evening at Gargrave Church . The concert is extra special as she wil be sharing the concert with none other than Mark Hamer also a Harp Player. Two very different styles of playing , two very different styles of Music whilst we were up at Rossendale last night doing a one of session I heard a Woman saying that she had enjoyed the evening and especially the contrast between the two So if you are free this evening , and want to see something which is extremely rare then get yourself up to Gargrave Church you wil be most welcome There is a entrance fee and I believe it is £7 per person if it is the same as last night but it is a treat you wil enjoy I can assure you of that. Even I enjoyed it and I hear harps all th time !!! Sorry in my excitement I forgot to take pictures for you I wil try and remember tonight if you cant come Dave..

Friday, 10 August 2012

Caught reading the magazines

I was just flicking through all the scandal rags at Morrisons at Illingworth the other day when a man approached and asked if I was 'the' Fiona-Katie Roberts. Oh yeah!!! (That's a first, by the way). Both my husband, Dave, and I thought he was going to tell us off for not buying the magazines! The news on the farm is good - we finally caught the missing hen chick whilst it was dozing the other night so it is now back with mum and its siblings. The Swifts have all fledged and the farmyard is full of them swooping low nearly catching our heads. Next week I have two concerts in North Yorkshire with another harper, Mark Harmer. We start at Rosedale Church on Friday 17th August at 7 pm and the following night we are at Gargrave Church (Saturday l8th August, also at 7 pm).

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Swifts and Amazons

Stix's whole life is an adventure. He has taken to coming for a walk when we take the dogs out. He follows at a safe distance on the wall tops, crossing the roads and taking time out to check out trees. However, this week he has positioned himself in the medieval barn archway where the swifts are about to fledge. The mum and dad 'dive-bombed' him consistently until tragedy happenned. Stix leapt a mighty olympic 10 foot into the air and grabbed one of the parents. He got lucky so the fleglings have only one parent left to feed them. This Spring they lost all their chicks because their mud nest fell off the underside of the beams. We found it hanging with one egg left in and propped it with a piece of 3 by 2 but they started again. My escapee hen chick is still living rough. She feeds with the big hens during the day but goes back to her old coop at night. I have tried in vain to trap her and put her back with her siblings but she is very wick, running off at the slightest noise! I have a series of concerts coming up with another celtic harper - all taking place in North Yorkshire - details to follow (when I have them myself!!) The 'Nudey Lady' sounds fantastic amped up and is returning 'home' to the Barearts soon - watch this space!