Saturday, 13 April 2013

The importance of 'O'

I had to play 4 hymns and one of them was entitled Bread of Heaven - this was a message on facebook. I checked my 6 different hymn books and eventually found it. It had 2 tunes - one by Bach. It was a beautiful 'moody' tune so I learnt it. Having not much time and no-one to ask I decided I had better learn the alternative tune as well. When I arrived at the church there was no-one about - except the coffin - so I knew I was in the right place. Five minutes later the church wardens were puzzled when I asked them which tune was usually sung to Bread of Heaven. Eventually they asked 'you don't mean O Bread of Heaven do you?'. Mystery solved ...! I borrowed the organists's hymn book and sight-read the tune. Today's job was to dust off all the harps. There are a few harps in the barn and they were cleaner than the ones in the house! A few weeks ago the ceiling fell in, then the plasters, then the sanding ... the dust was horrendous. I took off the worst with the vacuum but getting between the strings took time and ... turkey feathers! I have noticed as well that they have good anti-stat properties. The flautists in Ireland used to clean their ebony flutes with feathers as they had natural oils. Well, we are nearly back on track in the house - just a few painting and gluing jobs to do. The ceiling knocked the cornices off a couple of antique cupboards so I boiled up some proper rabbit glue which stank but is apparantly what was used in the old days. We'll see!

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