Wednesday, 23 February 2011

The new harp Daval

Finally after months of hard work and delays I have managed to make a start on finishing the harp Daval.
As I write this I am in between coats of laqher, in order to give the harp added strength it is necessary to apply this 15 seperate times and each time the harop is to be given 5 coats with a fiteen minute interval in between. by the time it is finished this means the harp will have received 75 seperate coats of laquer this seems a lot but the coats are applied so thinly so to prevent sagging.

I have had to revert to spraying the harp in the barn for two reasons after days of hardwork installing the wood burning stove in the stables I lit it and it failed the woodburner is beyond repair and damaged further than initially thought rendering it useless and I nearley burned down the stables in the process dropping everything to get the Donkey out then going back in to throw a bucket of water over the rayburn .
Tomorrows job is to remove the rayburn from the building and to put it in the scrap pile!!!!

Now desperately seeking another wood burning stove that will not be in such a bad state
The idea is to warm the stables through for when flossy the donkey has her foal..

OK back to spraying

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