Wednesday, 13 April 2011

exploding harps.;

Yes you read it correctly DavAL the harp is now a pile of strings and broken wood after it exploded under the tension . Fortunately Fiona Katie has 32 other harps.
This now means though that I have two Months to completely build her another harp using differetn wood for the head.

I enjoyed making Daval and learnt a lot in doing so so I am secretly not too upset as I feel I can improve on the Design significantly and will be making a start on the new harp Capernicus tomorrow.

So all is well that ends well

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Sucess - Happy Mother Day

A very Happy Mothers day to you all.
Fiona Katie has had a wonderful day ths far she has received a lovely bag fromfaughter and a bottle of something nice from her eldest son and phone calls from her twins so all is good there.
Meanwhile the orphan lamb which was been looked after until I recovered has returned!
5 times larger than when it left here..

We got back late last night F.K got to try out her new harp at a wedding venue and I am pleased to say that reports back were that it was a resounding success and judging by the rapturous applause I am certain it went down a hit.

This afternoon s job then is to change the new website and to complete it

Thank fully it should not take too long
In the meantime just for something different on the blog thought I would post some updated photos of flossy!!

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Sunnier times

Well the sun is shining and as I write I can hear the Cockerels crowing away in the garden. The weather is a far cry from this morning when it rained.
F.K is playing at a weeding this afternoon for 1 hour and it is giving her a chance to test drive one of her new harps.
Meanwhile I am continuin to write and I am looking forward to getting the plaster cast removed from my leg on Tuesday that will be a weight off wuite literally

Well enough for today
Onwards and upwards I say!

Friday, 1 April 2011

Green wheels, Harp and A performance for the BBC

Well what a interesting week it has been
On Wednesday I had a appointment in Keighley so I was unable to go with Kate and since I had a broken leg I got a friend of mine who is a Policeman to take me to Keighley.
Meanwhile Fiona Katie had to dash off to Leeds , fortunately we had persuaded Alberts Fiona Katies son to help take the pressure off so he arrived in his silver VW and much to my suprise he had painted the wheels bright green!
Somehow he managed to get the harp and Fiona Katie into the car and they drove off for Fiona katie to perform as part as a showcase for the BBC
I got back home about 5pm myself and I did not see Fiona Katie till late on and I was in bed when she came home.
Seems she had a great night but did not want to go to the after party! shame I had a broken leg optherwise I would have gone along with her well more weddings lined up over the weekend lets hope the weather holds out for the couple and this wind dies down a bit ------- dave